From previous research it was already known that there must still be remnants in the ground, but if you can actually see them, history really comes to life. The Archeology Department of the Municipality of Delft and the Vermeer Center Delft intend to consider how we can show these remains to Johannes Vermeer enthusiasts in a better and more permanent way. Unfortunately, this takes quite a bit of time because careful consideration must be given to whether or not the subsoil may be disturbed, the renovation of the bridge, traffic-related matters and more. We aim to show every Vermeer enthusiast at the beginning of 2023 how 'House Mechelen' stood on this spot.

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Excavation foundation in Mechelen Inn
Early September 2019. The sewage system in Oude Manhuissteeg needs to be replaced. When digging, one encounters the cellar walls of Huis Mechelen, the inn of Vermeer's parents, a place where he spent an important part of his life.